UERJ Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution
PGPEE offers Level 6 MScand PhD courses, accredited by CAPES, acting in 6 lines of research, with emphasis in aquatic and terrestrial systems of the Atlantic forest.

Seleção PPGEE 2021
Seleção PPGEE 2021 – Notas da Prova Escrita e Horários das defesas de Projeto de Mestrado e Doutorado. Clique AQUI Notas etapas eliminatórias e CV.

Virtual Laboratory of Quantitative Paleontology
O Laboratório Virtual de Paleontologia Quantitativa foi implementado como um centro de informações para a disseminação e intercâmbio de conhecimento sobre métodos quantitativos e computacionais

PPGEE student’s results reveal the importance of preserving the Camboatá Forest
Investments to prevent tropical deforestation and to limit wildlife trade will protect against future zoonosis outbreaks. By Andrew P. Dobson, Stuart L. Pimm, Lee Hannah,
PGPEE / UERJ Mission
PGPEE’s mission is to train individuals capable of thinking and contributing to the scientific forum about the environment and evolution that are capable of both working in management and conservation to maintain healthy ecosystems and teaching at all Education System levels from Elementary School to Graduate Programs.

UERJ Post-Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution
The scientific knowledgeproducedin dissertations and thesesof the GPEE is publishedinhigh impact national and international journals. The students’ envolvement in publications is especially encouraged and is a feature that makes the GPEE stand out.